The Value of the Holiday Season

After the thrill of Halloween subsides, we flip the calendar to a new month and a new season: the holiday season. Charmed by the cooling temperatures and crisp, autumnal air, we don our scarves and boots in anticipation of snow-covered sidewalks and bare tree branches. Thoughts turn to cozy days spent inside and the smell of fresh food, the chatter of family, and the light feeling of appreciation. The radio plays the tunes that we’ve always associated with this season, guiding us to memories of magical moments from times past. 

The holiday season also spreads a blanket of intention onto our society: the intentions of greater joy, kindness, and mindfulness. Doors are held open, gifts are crafted, smiles are exchanged, and warmness exudes from our bright eyes. It is this time that families reunite and compliments are so often passed by mere strangers. 

Give, give, we give. We give love to the sharp wind and heavy snow, to the sound of uncontrollable laughter, to all of the people who made an impact on our lives, no matter how big or small. In the long run, it doesn’t really matter how much we receive: our recollections are filled with the images of gratitude of those that we give to and that warm emotion that fills our hearts because of it. 

Then, before we know it, the season has passed. “Until next season,” we say, wondering about when that holiday feeling will come back. 

When we pause to think about it, however, we realize that the holiday feeling that we’ve come to know is a product of our own agency: we can choose to be more present, more grateful, more giving. When it comes down to it, the holiday season shows us the power of connection, kindness, and gratitude, and how it enhances our lives in so many ways. How we approach life and what we experience is a lot like the frosty weather, but it is also like how we choose to spend these days. 

The weather is temperamental, some days filled with brittle wind and ominous clouds or serene breezes and vivid sunlight. Most of the time, though, we choose what we want to do despite the weather or in harmony with it.  

So, before the holiday season ends, remember these positive feelings and the little actions behind them, the potential that we hold in our choices. Take these reflections and turn them into actions that transform into habits. Wake up every day with the wonder and excitement of a child on Christmas morning and the tenderness of a genuine smile. Then, gift these sentiments to the world every season of the year. 

Note: This post is written from my perspective and from what I think is society’s portrayal of the holiday season. The holiday season is different for everyone and brings its own sets of battles, and the struggles experienced by one person are never the same as the struggles faced by another. Self-care includes caring for others, but the expectation to act a certain way during the holidays can be overwhelming, so please remember to take time for yourself and do what is best for you.

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